Busted Open in Whitehorse

Photo by Alistair Maitland Photography

Photo by Alistair Maitland Photography

Some have asked me what it’s like taking on my first full-time theatre acting job at 55? How’s it going, how are you feeling Barnes?

Physically exhausted, yet emotionally exhilarated. I’m the kind of tired where I fall asleep within seconds, but with a smile on my face. Being in the moment in a kind of way that realizes every second how incredibly lucky I am to be a part of any of it. Experiencing an instant rapport and comradery I have not felt since I was a young person in community radio.

I am having the time of my life. Every day.

The best part is being and creating with beautiful, committed, loving, self-deprecating, witty, smarter and younger adult humans. That is the prescription for hope if you have ever felt as though you have lost it. Sometimes, I want to live forever in that moment of anticipation holding onto all of you just before we step on stage.

Hello risk. I’ve missed you.

Thank you Busted Up for choosing me to be a part of this. However long it may last.

P.S. I may haunt CCC road after the run looking for Roy back rubs. Oh, also being around Genevieve every day? That ain’t work.